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“5 Hacks To Being Fearless…In Competition”

The #1 Reason Athletes Don’t Perform To Potential is Due to FEAR. Eliminate it now.   Enter your email now for free solutions.

Diana Pasquarello, Mental Toughness Trainer – Specializing In Youth Sports

How To Break Through To Your Next Level Of Performance

  • Clear Your Mental Blocks
  • Create Unstoppable Confidence
  • Compete Right At The Safe Edge of Danger
  • Perform In Competition Just Like Practice
  • Work With Me Using The R.A.C.E. Formula System To Do It Now... call 1-858-345-4744


How to Conquer Fear In 2 Simple Steps

I have often told my students that whenever you feel the feelings of fear, ask yourself a simple question: "Where is the fear in this"?  In order to conquer fear, you need to master those fears.  Fears will never go away.  They are here to protect us.  We can take over those fears and use them to our advantage in both our sports and our life.  What if I could teach you t [...]

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The Key to Destroying Mental Blocks That Hold You Back

Many athletes in sports like gymnastics, baseball and golf are extremely vulnerable to mental blocks that not only keep them from performing like they do in practice but hold them back from getting to the next level of the game. What exactly are mental blocks in sports? This happens when an athlete cannot physically perform their necessary movement that they have the knowled [...]

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I’m Not Good Enough

Do you remember a time in your past when you have said these very words "I'm Not Good Enough"? Have your kids come home from school or sports complaining that they didn't do a good job or that the coach yelled at them.  Then they may mumble under their breath that they aren't good enough.   Who still says, I'm Not Good Enough? I once had a young gymnast named Mary, w [...]

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5 Tips to Unstoppable Confidence

As a parent or coach of young athletes, you undoubtedly can see it crystal clear when your athletes are lacking confidence right before the competition.  At the heart of kids inability to come to the game with confidence is fear, however, I have shortcut tip that can bring confidence to every game match or tournament. Tip #1 to Unstoppable Confidence Organize everything yo [...]

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“5 Hacks To Being Fearless…In Competition”