How to Conquer Fear In 2 Simple Steps

I have often told my students that whenever you feel the feelings of fear, ask yourself a simple question: “Where is the fear in this”?  In order to conquer fear, you need to master those fears.  Fears will never go away.  They are here to protect us.  We can take over those fears and use them to our advantage in both our sports and our life.  What if I could teach you to not be afraid of your emotions?

Fear is the biggest source of interference in our sports or life potential.  When you experience the feelings of fear your muscles and nerves don’t function like you want them to.  You know this by the feelings in your body and the differences you have during both practice and competition.

Basic steps to crush those fears.

1. Make the unknown, known.

2. Go to the worst case scenario and continue the story until you’re OK.

Let’s look at a simple formula.

Performance = PotentialInterference 

You will perform to your potential when you can get rid of that interference.

Interference is what blocks us.  The number one fear I help athletes with of all ages is the “Fear of Failure”.  Fear shows up in many ways; procrastination, anxiety, doubt, scared, lack of confidence and many other ways you may have experienced them.

Being in the present moment can help eliminate the interference as an antidote.  An antidote helps to change those limiting beliefs that are blocking us.  When we are in the present moment there is no fear.  As you are sitting here reading these words, ask yourself, do you feel the fears of your sport?  Being right here right now they can’t be.  So be here now.  You can’t change what has happened in the past.  It’s in the past for a reason.  It taught you many valuable lessons.  So remember and say to yourself, “What just happened doesn’t matter”.  The only thing you can do is move on and learn and try again.  Anticipating future mistakes don’t help you either.  So say to yourself over and over again Be here now.

How can your 5 senses conquer fear?

Fearless baseball playerAn easy way to get into the present moment is to think of your 5 senses.  Directing your attention to your 5 senses and what they are taking in at that moment, your fears with immediately disappear.

Examples of being in the now: feel your feet on the ground, smell the grass or chalk, listen to the crowd talking etc.

This technique can be done anywhere and anytime.  If you practice it regularly it can be very powerful. You will see those feelings of fear and pressure melting away, especially during times of high-stress competition.  Don’t wait till you need it, play with them now.  Use them before stepping into a board room or a test.  This valuable life lesson I am teaching you will last a lifetime.

Now you are ready to conquer fear and be in the present moment.  Be Here Now. Fear does not exist in the present moment.  It only gets developed by thinking of past mistakes or worrying about any possible future mistakes.

At any time you feel the feelings of fear, all you need to do is redirect yourself.  Remember your 5 senses and all they have to teach you.  They are so powerful if used regularly.  Once you start to use them on a regular basis, you will see the feeling of stress, pressure, and fear melt away


Want to learn more about this and how it applies to you, call to schedule free consult now while you’re thinking about it.