How To Teach Athletes To Be Relentless

What does it mean to be relentless?  It is that athlete that won’t quit, never gives up, just a relentless competitor and always goes for it. This isn’t what we are talking about today though, so sit back and let’s talk about the “R” in my R.A.C.E. formula.

R is for Be RelentlessYou need to be relentless on getting your outcome or goal from reading my tips.  It doesn’t mean that we are turning you into a relentless athlete.  I want you to be relentless on becoming fearless!  I promise you it is so simple.  It starts with a simple decision.  Most of you have already done this at some time.  It takes a commitment.  Commit your entire being behind your decisions.

Make a decision to be relentless

I recommend if you really want to be relentless than go with a declaration about it.  Write it down and sign it or tell somebody about it.  We have a built in psychological mechanism to follow through, so when you tell somebody about your decisions it helps you follow through.  Make a decision and commit to it.

There is a big difference between what you should do and what you must do.  Have you heard your coach say “I need you to get more courageous” and “get more confidence?”  This isn’t what it is at all.  You’ve got to be in the place where it is all about you.  You need to be fearless.  What I’m teaching you will work for everything in your life.  If you don’t put yourself in the right place you can still have these blocks. This is the reason people don’t get the change they are looking for.   It is the inner mind or subconscious level you will learn from these teachings.

You’ve got to find something worth fighting for.  Are you sick and tired of being stuck in the level you are at?  Sick and tired of being held back in competition when you know you are so much better than that?  Are you at that place?  Get there!  Get sick and tired of being in this situation.  This is the secret.

It takes work and commitment

I’m giving you the tools to do just this but you’ve got to work them.  Clients will come to me with the idea that they are going to a place where I will fix you.  I tell my athletes all the time that I don’t fix them. You will fix yourself.  You are going to use your relentless abilities to make it happen.  You have to do the work.  It is no different than your coach teaching you a new skill.  Does your coach do the drill or the conditioning for you?  Does your coach practice your skill for you?  No, of course not.  Your coach gives you the idea, helps you along, and teaches YOU what you need to do.  You have to make it happen and this is the same thing here.

When have you been relentless about anything before?  Write this down now and explain why it is you wanted to do it.  Get specific in the details.  This gives you leverage to keep being relentless throughout the process.  List out all the things you want to be relentless in life:  Respect, freedom, self-esteem and confidence.  Money or material things. Write it down.

OK, you’ve got this!


Diana Pasquarello

Mental Toughness Trainer


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