San Diego Sports Hypnotist

So you just landed here on this page about Sports Hypnosis and are probably wondering what this is all about.  When I first heard the term years ago it sounded pretty weird to me.  I thought it had something to do with making people cluck like a chicken and do weird acts that you see on stage.

Does Hypnosis Work?

Let’s now get into the truth about what Sports Hypnosis can do for you and what it’s useful for in improving your performance.  There are many definitions for what hypnosis is and there is no common agreement.  My definition is simple.  It is a method to connect your thinking mind (conscious mind) to your subconscious mind(unconscious mind).  That is the definition for using it in sports.

Have you ever experienced an issue where you know what you need to do but you can’t get yourself to do it?  An example of that would be a baseball player who goes up to the plate shaking like a leaf and the coach told the player, “Tell yourself you are great, calm down and take deep breaths.” You do that but it does nothing about making you feel better about being “ready” to perform.  That’s because you are trying to do it consciously.   You must make the changes at the nervous or autonomic system level which is controlled but your unconscious or subconscious mind.

Sports Hypnosis Stories

Lest you think this is something that is out of the mainstream, it is well documented among the highest levels in sports from Olympic athletes, and world class athletes.  Hypnosis is about bridging that gap.

In the 1984 Olympic Games, Time Magazine reported that Mary Lou Retton used hypnotherapy to help bring home the Gold Medal. This also helped her block the pain in her injured foot.

Sports hypnosis used in olympics

Tiger Woods started hypnosis at age 13 to block out distractions and maintain his focus on the golf course. There are so many more success stories out there.

What Can it Do For Me?

Using hypnosis in my process, if we choose to use this powerful tool, to get you your ultimate performance state.  Here is what will happen.  I will help you attain a relaxed state. This state facilitates you in connecting your conscious mind to your unconscious mind. Then I’m going to talk and you will listen and allow you to sink in the ideas that we had previously worked on in prior sessions. This greatly increases the integration from “head” knowledge into the body so the nervous system responds in competition automatically.

American Medical Association

In 1958, the American Medical Association quoted, “That the use of hypnosis has a recognized place in the medical armamentarium and is a useful technique in the treatment of certain illnesses when employed by qualified medical and dental personnel.”

This is just one of the many tools I use.  The ultimate goal is for you to perform to your ultimate potential and this is one of the tools we use to get rid of the interference.  Being certified by Bennett Stellar University in both NLP and hypnosis, you can rest assured that you are in experienced hands.

This can be done in person or via webcam (Skype or Zoom) very effectively.

You’ve got this!

Diana Pasquarello


Call or email to get started now.

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