About Diana Pasquarello, MPAP, PA-C

What Makes Me Unique as a Mental Toughness Trainer

  • I have personally worked with thousands of professionals, athletes of all ages and regular everyday people to improve their lives in many ways.
  • As a certified Mental Toughness Trainer, we will help you experience a profound breakthrough with our unique process. The R.A.C.E Formula System, that has been proven effective with thousands of athletes worldwide. It has been tested and refined over the last 12 years to be the most effective program for sports in this universe and I am an expert at utilizing it in your sessions.
  • Through my training as a Certified Life Transformation Coach, you will discover the powerful connection between your personal life and your competitive performance. You will align your values with winning and breaking through to the next level through the process.
  • After getting my Master’s Degree at USC and becoming a Certified Physician Assistant, I look at the mind-body principle as a unit.  Being a PA for the last 14 years has allowed me to bring a dimension of the mind-body connection that no other sports mental coach can bring for getting over sports injuries to optimizing mind-body movements. Not only can I work with you during an acute injury but you will be further along in your sport with my program than if you were actually performing

A Little About My Personal Life

Growing up in a highly competitive and athletic home, failure wasn’t an option.  No matter how hard things got we had to keep going.  There was no room for failure.  Before getting into the sport of gymnastics, I was diagnosed with ADHD.  My parents did not want me on medications so they put me in a sport that would “straighten” me out.  Gymnastics was the perfect place to get rid of energy.  Gymnastics 30 hours a week from 4th grade till my senior year of high school was a saving grace for me.  It was also a place of strong fears and failures.  If I only knew then what I know now, I could have gone much further if I had worked with a mental toughness trainer.

Diana Pasquarello Mental Toughness Trainer

Your Mental Toughness Trainer

Now having children of my own and one a level 9 gymnast, brings back memories of my youth.  Keeping her mentally in the game after a terrible gymnastics accident as a level 3 was challenging.  Her injury required surgery and 2 months in a cast.  This changes your perspectives on parenting and living life to its fullest.  She has taught me what being mentally tough is all about.

I believe everyone has a story and they shape our future.  Being Mentally Tough is being able to create a story that brings to you a healthy and powerful state of mind.  Listening to our internal dialogue (how we talk to ourselves) is the first step to being aware of.  The next step is to challenge the negative self-talk and change the stories we told ourselves, to begin with.  We will work together to come up with “antidotes” to open ourselves up and transform our stories.

I look forward to working with you! Pick up the phone and call me right now for a FREE consult while you’re thinking about this. Tomorrow never comes….  1-858-345-4744.

Let’s do this,


 It’s Time For You To Become A Fearless Competitor/Performer.