Fear of Failure

Have you played timidly or lacked aggressiveness?  Sometimes you may doubt yourself or overthink your moves which can cause you to get tense or tight or stiff and lose your coordination?  You’re afraid that if you blow it or make a mistake that you will be a failure and then bad things can happen to you from this failure, right?  Fear of failure is very real and is probably the biggest interference hurting athletic performance today.  You aren’t alone here, everyone, even top professionals, have some of it too.

So now you have a much better understanding that what you are afraid of is feeling bad, right?  It’s just chemicals, right?  Let’s continue on the path of destroying fear, worry, and anxiety so you can be courageous, bold and aggressive whenever you want to!  

Are you ready to crush the fear of failure?

There is no such thing as failure

Failure doesn’t exist.  It’s an illusion, a made up story.  There is no reason to use the word or idea of “failure” ever.  You might say to me, “But Diana, if I don’t perform well at my meet, then that’s a failure.”  I will reply back to you that No it’s not.  You just gave me a description of an event.  You didn’t perform to your potential and you or your team didn’t win.  End of story.  Correct?  Yes.  Truthful?  Yes.  Is there any reason at all for using the word “failure” in there?  NO!  You get to choose your thoughts.  Do you play better when you are feeling good or feeling bad?  Of course, you play better when you feel good first which increases the odds to play better.

 There are no failures in sports or LIFE!  Jut the events for you to learn and improve from….period!

Fear of Failure Doesn't Exist

Becoming fearless in your sport and in competition you just need to eliminate the whole idea of failure, to begin with.  You can do this!  It isn’t necessary.  It is a totally useless concept.

Are you afraid of something that you know doesn’t exist?  Let’s see, do you go to school worrying about the boogie man all day long?  Does this make you scared to come home after a long day?  Of course not.  The boogie man doesn’t exist.  You can make up all sorts of stories in our minds that don’t even exist if you want to be scared….correct?  Little kids do this all the time.

Failure is exactly the same.  It’s fake.  Fiction.  Made up!  Fear itself is what ruins your athletic abilities.  If you weren’t afraid of all those made up stories in your head about “failure” (doesn’t exist) then you can start performing without that fear, right?

This is by definition Fearless!  Performing without fear.  This concept can completely change your life!

Give me a call and let’s eliminate these fictional stories we tell ourselves daily!

You got this!

Diana Pasquarello

Mental Toughness Trainer




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