I’m Not Good Enough

Do you remember a time in your past when you have said these very words “I’m Not Good Enough“? Have your kids come home from school or sports complaining that they didn’t do a good job or that the coach yelled at them.  Then they may mumble under their breath that they aren’t good enough.


Who still says, I’m Not Good Enough?

I once had a young gymnast named Mary, who was so hard on herself. She watched her teammates excel

gymnastics bars giants determination

faster than her on several events.  She didn’t feel strong enough or perfect enough to perform her skill on bars.  She would only do giants with a spot.  Her coach pushed her to work them on her own but she didn’t feel good enough to do them.  She’d come home saying “I’m Not Good Enough”.  Due to the fact that she had this block, it cost her parents time and money for private lessons with the bars coach.

As an athlete or a working professional, we need to quiet that negative, annoying voice in your head so you can perform to your potential.

I’m sure you’ve seen other posts where I describe this principle:

Performance =  Potential – Interference.

What does this all mean?  Once you eliminate the interference you will perform to your potential.  It is just that easy.  By clearing these mental and emotional blocks you will play, perform and compete to your best ability.  


In order to destroy the negative belief, “I’m not good enough” and clear the mental block, you need to understand the interference before you can eliminate it.  By using my 4 step R.A.C.E Formula to gain the mental toughness, which took us thousands of athletes and performers to perfect, you will get results.  You will gain mental toughness by clearing the pathway of the old beliefs.


You must be relentless in your desire to change those thoughts that are out of your control.  You have and will have all the necessary tools to change and this thought process and do it.


You’ve probably had coaches, trainers or sports psychologists give advice through counseling, blogs or in person with advice like:
“Stop thinking so much”

“Positive self-talk will solve your problems”

“You just need to believe in yourself”.  Like you don’t do this every day.

Amputee leg strength fearlessA negative mind is a destructive mind and it affects your performance.  This all stems from your analytical functioning that everybody is wired with.  It helps us solve problems.  It can be a very useful tool that you have.  When we are in a high degree of functioning; sports and performing this tool gets corrupted.  Think of it like your computer operating system when we get a virus.

This virus or mental virus works against your analytical function to disrupt your goals and desires.  It does so automatically.  No matter how much we “believe in ourselves” it will always win and we feel the “I’m not Good Enough” state.  Can you see just how powerful this virus is?

In order to get rid of the problem, you’ve got to get to the root of the problem!


The reality is that we have to clear those reasons why the analytical mind is working against you.  We need to get you into the subconscious mind or unconscious mind to help with this.  We analyze to much in our thinking mind.  Working at a deeper level will help to counter and clear those old belief patterns.  Coming up with antidotes to these problems is a great helper in this.  Essentially we need to get out of our head and into our body for those answers.

The best way to access your inner mind is ” intend to and we do this daily with either guided visualizations or with mental practice.


This is where we change the negative mind to WANT to succeed.  You have to want to master your mind and the way it is programmed but you also need to master your bodily feelings.  You actually perform your best when you are in that peak performance mindset.  You can tell your body and your mind that you are confident and you have the willpower to succeed.  Now your body is so pumped up and ready to go but you still can’t perform.  You went through all of this positive thinking for nothing.

Your thoughts become your things.

If your negative emotions are what challenges you, the R.A.C.E. formula will help change your thoughts and feelings to trust.  This formula ALWAYS works.

We can do this together!

Diana Pasquarello


Want to learn more about this and how it applies to you, call to schedule free consult now while you’re thinking about it.