What's the difference between mental toughness training and sport psychology work?

Mental toughness training is not just for competition day as it is an integral part of daily training to gain the confidence, overcome plateaus and be proactive in your training.  The biggest difference between mental toughness training and psychotherapy is that we don't believe a person is broken. Every athlete has the ability through our methods and training, just like physical skills can be learned and trained and are often not born so can mental skills. Confidence is a skill you can learn and drill and train and master. Becoming fearless is a process that I guide you through just like a typical skills instructor

What happens in a typical session?

A typical session can last any where from 1-hour to 1 1/2 hours.  We start with an interview/counseling/teaching to find your mental blocks, fears or any other issues you need to enhance your performance in both practice and competition.  We help you develop "antidotes" to manage any issue so you can improve your confidence and increase your consistency.  The second part of the session is an optional guided visualizations.  Lastly we do a question and answer to make sure we've covered all concerns. 

What is the parents role in the process?

Recommend for kids that the parents be present in the session for the first part and then we send the parent out so we can do individual work with the child.  My process actually works better with a parent that is involved and wants to know how to support their child through my recommendations.  We act like a team between myself, the parent and the child.  If a parent and child request the parent can be in the entire session, although we don't recommend that.

How much time between sessions?

Each athlete is unique and the time between session and number of sessions will vary greatly depending on the goals and needs. We will have a much better idea during the first visit so we can implement a plan that will work.  After we've built a foundation of your goals and needs we will look at your training schedule and work sessions around that for maximum benefit.  Weekly or bi-monthly sessions usually work best for maximum impact although some session times can go longer.  It allows for enough integration time of the lessons. Generally past 2 weeks some clients loose momentum but it is flexible based on your needs. 

What are guided visualizations?

A relaxation technique where words, sounds and images are used to create a positive mental image, feeling and thought. It can reduce stress and improve health and healing.  

Do you guarantee results?

Our Coaching Services are Guaranteed

We guarantee the quality of our training sessions.  We guarantee you the highest quality, cutting-edge training that will give you a sense of control of your mind.  I am incredibly confident in my skills and services.  Within the first 30 days, if you are not completely satisfied, I will happily give you a refund.  With that being said, the results will depend greatly on the athletes motivation level and how much effort and time they are willing to put into their new training program.  In working with a number of athletes, I've seen results happen within a few weeks while they train their mental skills.  This mental skills will not only change their game but help change them for life.  They will have the necessary "tools" needed to get them through school and the corporate working world. 

What services do you offer?

We offer a number of services specifically designed to help gain the mental toughness to go from good to great.  We do not diagnose mental health issues or offer any kind of therapy.  We teach clients how to mentally train.

1-on-1 Mental Training - We offer several customized programs tailored to the individual needs of the athlete.  This is ideal for those athletes who want to build their mental abilities for enhanced performance both in practice and competition.

​A few notes on working with me:

  1. Your athlete needs to mentally want to work with me.  We can not force them to learn or do anything their minds don't want to do
  2. When we start working together, your athlete is the client​ even though the parent is paying.  This means that the athlete has total confidentiality within the law.  I do not share with parents what is brought up.  I am more than willing to have conversations with the parents/coaches to give them suggestion on how they can best support their athlete with mental training.

Group (Team) Mental Training  - We offer a program designed for the team/coaches on how to build the mental skills to enhance the performance and succeed at a higher level.  We educate the athletes and coaches in the setting they are most familiar with to work as a collaborative team.  Team building skills show both athletes and coaches how weaknesses turn into strengths and bring the team together in a closer unit.  Communication between the athletes and coaches is vastly improved.  They are given the tools and techniques to deal with performance anxiety, conflict and falling behind in their game or event.  We work specifically on:

  • Being Focused
  • Staying Confident
  • Determination
  • Staying Resilient even under pressure