Fear of Rejection

Are we really afraid of what others think of us or about us?  Fear of rejection is very real and can cause us to mentally block in our performance in competition.  We are scared to let our teammates down, disappoint our coaches and parents, etc.  Tip #2 to being fearless in competition is using the deadly accurate truth (D.A.T.) to destroy these fears.

Get rid of fear of rejection with 2 simple steps

The best way to get rid of your fears can be accomplished in 2 steps:

  1. Go to the worst case scenario in your mind.
  2. Finish the story until you are OK with the results.

Let’s explore the deadly accurate truth about a worst case scenario and what others may think, let’s say, you freeze during one of your games, meet or matches during the most critical time to be focused.  That’s a pretty tough thing for a kid (or an adult) to experience, right?  So, what is the D.A.T. about what others think of you?

Let’s just say for a moment that you play a team sport.  One of your fellow teammates didn’t perform their bescrush fear of rejection with your teamt and brought the team scores down….would you hate him or her?  What would be the truth about that event?  Would you blame the meet on this person and hate them for it?  No, of course not because the truth is, if you know anything about sports, you don’t blame another teammate on not getting a trophy at the end.  To put it boldly (literally) You can’t blame a game or meet on any ONE person or point, that is ridiculous, it is false and every coach will tell you that. This is the Deadly Accurate Truth.  Just know that everyone is disappointed but it isn’t about YOU!

You feel rejected because of the false stories you tell yourself about your performance and how people think about it.

The D.A.T. destroys all these false stories….period!  Fear of rejection will not exist ever again when we do this.

Let’s do this!



Call me right now to see how your child will benefit in school, personal relationships and instilling a success mindset for the rest of their life.  This is the time to do it through sports while they are interested in something like this for their own personal development.  Call me now!



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