Powerful Tip To Gain Courage: “It’s Just Chemicals”

Time to dive the root of 90% of fear with my “It’s just Chemicals.”  Embarrassment, anger, sadness, disappointment cause fear in most people.  I’ve felt these very same feelings throughout my life and know I will feel them again, but get this….I’m not afraid of them.  Have you had times in your life where you were scared to feel embarrassed and disappointed or sad when family, coaches or friends show disappointment around you?  Want to learn how to become courageous?

Let’s go back to the Deadly Accurate Truth (D.A.T.) that we discussed in another email and let me ask you a question.  If you’ve ever had the experience of “embarrassment” for example, will that harm your body?  Are you really at risk for “dying of embarrassment”?  I didn’t think so.

Chemicals Are Natural

What’s really happening is that some of your own natural chemicals called “Peptides” are getting released inside of your body.  These chemicals latch onto your nerves, muscles, and tissues which cause you to FEEL something.  This is partly why they are called Feelings.

Thinking It's just chemicals pushes you forwardSome examples of feeling these chemicals are that “butterfly in your stomach” sensation.  Do you really think there are six-legged winged insects fluttering around in your belly?  Nope!  Those butterflies you feel are the natural reaction when our bodies send chemicals down to our stomach.  These chemicals latch onto the tissues of your stomach and nerves and cause you to feel the fluttering.

All feelings happen this way, including embarrassment.  In other words, It’s just chemicals.  Your very own natural chemicals.  There is nothing to be afraid of!

How can these chemicals help with becoming fearless and developing courage?

You’ve felt the feeling of sadness or loneliness, right?  Maybe you’ve felt the feeling of embarrassment before, right?  Are you feeling these feelings right now? Do you know why?  The chemicals inside of your body that caused you all those feeling have gone back to where they came from.  This always happens with feelings.

So for tip #4 to being fearless in a competition. Whenever you are experiencing some difficult chemicals giving you a difficult feeling, all you have to do is THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE OTHER than the thought that caused the chemicals to be released. If you do this, all those chemicals will go back to where they came from!  Once this happens you will be done with that feeling very soon. When you are done with that feeling, you can quickly go on and fix whatever didn’t work for you in the first place.  In athletics, that means going back to practicing your skills and working hard.  This will help you to become better and wiser the next time something like this happens.  This is what I’m here to teach you!  You will see just how courageous you are!

So, how does this make you fearless you might ask?  Well, because you aren’t afraid of your feelings anymore.  That accounts for 99% of your fears.  It’s just chemicals!

Call me today to find out how I can best help you or your athlete.

You got this!

Diana Pasquarello


Mental Toughness Trainer

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