Work With Me

There are 3 ways you can work with me below.  Call me now for a free consult:  1-858-345-4744

1. Four-Session RACE Formula Package in our San Diego Office

This is our signature program that has worked worldwide with thousands of athletes & performers to clear mental blocks, fear/anxiety, procrastination, low self-esteem, lack of aggressiveness, perfectionism, stressed out, negativity, and any other interference for you to achieve the goals you want and deserve.RACE Formula

RACE Formula

In the 4 sessions, you (or your child/team) will discover total empowerment through a thorough understanding of how you operate. Just like driving a car, you learn how to drive your own mind which gives you total control to generate the peak performance state.  That’s R. Relentless.

You will use that mental/emotional control to come out of these 4 sessions having cleared the interference patterns causing the blocks. This will also equip you with a set of tools to keep yourself clear and continue to build on the foundation of confidence techniques we use in the sessions. More details on the 4 sessions here.

Performance = Potential – Interference

2. 12-Session Total Mental Toughness Training Package

You get everything in the 4-session RACE Formula package PLUS an additional 9 sessions to fully master and fine-tune what has taken us time working with thousands of athletes, testing, tracking, tweaking, trial and error to build this athletic performance system.  We go far deeper into the R.A.C.E. Formula not only giving you the mental edge in your performance but turning you into a mental toughness coach in your own right.  You will receive certification for being a mental toughness trainer that can go on your college applications.

When you are done, you will be like a Zen master with your emotions.  You will have a deep understanding of yourself and humans in general that gives you the poise and presence to be calm, collected, and confident in even the most pressured situations.

3. Single Sessions

You may choose to come in for 1 session to get a quick boost before an important competition or to just try us out. Some of our past clients love to come in for tune-ups months after our initial training. Others just can’t get enough after their package training above and just want more.  Post-package sessions are pro-rated based on the session package rate.


FREE CONSULT: Call Now and I Will Answer Or Call You Back Myself If I’m In Session. 1-858-345-4744